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Purchase GIS Data
If you wish you may purchase pan sharpening processing or 3d terrain modeling services for a very reasonable price.
(Money Back Guarantee!)
We offer three standard types of GIS data: Landsat, EO-1 ALI (where available) and SPOT® (Canadian locations only). Sample RGB composite and pan sharpened images are shown below. (Note: these images are PNG format for faster download. Actual images in GeoTiff format unless otherwise directed.)
We can also supply 3D Terrain Models. Please see our Sample Proofs for details of this product.
![[Sample terrain model. Click to enlarge.]](http://www.pancroma.com/img/scene9_sm.png)
Terrain Models can be delivered in any common graphics format, i.e. JPEG, PNG, TIFF, etc. They can have as many text annotations as you want, or none at all. Other map symbols are possible.
Pan Sharpened image deliverables will include the following, delivered in GeoTiff or your specified format via ftp download:
Full pan sharpened color scene at either 15m (Landsat) or 10m (SPOT®, EO-1 ALI) resolution
Full RGB color composite scene at either 30m (Landsat) or 20m (SPOT®, EO-1 ALI) resolution
Specify either natural color composite or false color composite. If false color composite, please specify the three desired multispectral bands. (Note if SPOT® natural color is desired, Landsat multispectral bands will be pan sharpened using the appropriate SPOT panchromatic band.)
The ordering process works as follows:
Determine your target data set (i.e. 'Landsat')
Determine your desired location using either Landsat path and row numbers, latitude and longitude center coordinates, or description (i.e. 'Perth area, Australia')
Determine the desired chronology of your image, for example: "April 2009".
Include the multispectral band specificaion, for example: "bands 1, 2 and 3".
Include any other specifications, for example "maximum cloud cover =20%".
Specify the order information using either the "Instructions from Buyer" text box on the PayPal order form or by sending me an email at: jchilds@terrainmap.com
Contact me by email if you have any problems with placing your order.
Place your order using the drop down menus above. (Note that if you have specified a Landsat image acquired after 2003, it will have to be gap-filled. Please order both the pan sharpening and the gap filling services.)
We will select the optimal image according to your location instructions. If you specify EO-1 ALI and coverage is not available, we will suggest a corresponding Landsat scene.
Scenes will be chosen with the lowest possible cloud cover, not to exceed your specified maximum.
Keep in mind that Landsat suffered an instrument malfunction in 2003 so all Landsat images acquired after the failure date will require gap filling.
Processing will take about one week. When complete, processed jpeg browse images will be uploaded to an ftp site for your approval. You will be notified of the user name and password to access the ftp site by email.
If you are satisfied with the images, the full scenes will be uploaded to the ftp site. User name and password will be sent to you by email. If you are not satisfied, you will be given a FULL REFUND, no questions asked. (Remember the file sizes can be quite large: as much as 850MB for a pan sharpened Landsat scene)
File format will be GeoTiff with embedded metadata. Other formats such as JPEG, PNG and BMP are available upon request.
Feel free to contact me to discuss details before placing your order if you wish.
3D terrains (standard or anaglyphs) are also available. Contact me for pricing.
Note that Landsat scenes measure approximately 185km by 185km. EO-1 scenes are either 185km by 148km or 42km by 148KM. SPOT scenes are 60km by 60km.
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